Friday, 28 March 2014

My brains thinky stuff over the last 22 days.

Coming home from three months overseas has been just as enjoyable as the time spent away. I live in Melbourne, a city that has more to offer than any one person knows. I have lived here for just over a year now, and spent three months of that in South America. So I am coming home to a place where I can still walk along the main streets and feel quite like a tourist. That fact alone has been enough to ease the so called 'post travel depression'. I hear so many people who come home from travel and complain that they want they want to keep travelling (#takemeback). I honestly don't think these people are trying hard enough in their hometowns. There should be enough to keep you occupied in your job or study or hobbies, how do you think your friends feel when all that ever comes out of your mouth is how much you don't want to be here?
Admittedly, since getting home, I have had my rants about Melbourne's prices for beer and general living ($10 for a pint of Boags??), but overall my city and home life could engage me fully for the foreseeable future.
When you get home after being away for a while, especially after being in a culture very different to your own, your friends and family will try to pick out any little thing about you that has changed, and say "you've changed". They don't say it in a bad way like when you got your first girlfriend and your mates said you've changed, its more of an amusement to them that three months away could make you talk differently about the world or wear different clothing (usually tending towards the 'hipster' movement). Personally I'd be disappointed if I, or a friend of mine, came home from being overseas with no new outlooks on life or no new clothes or no anything different.
One inevitable thing that happens while travelling, is planning other travel. It happened to me on multiple occasions, most notably while sitting on one of the eight 15+ hour bus journeys. I have now planned (very loosely) with some mates to be in Spain and Portugal over the mid-year break. Do I have enough money? I don't know. Will I live like a pheasant for three months to make it happen? Probably not because I'm enjoying Melbourne a bit much. Will I keep asking myself questions like this? No, I'll stop now.
Anyway, after my big spiel about being at home fulfilling my need for mental stimuli as much as being away, my quantity of interesting content to put on this page has dramatically decreased. With said decrease, I'm quite sure my number of regular viewers will also decrease. I suppose this page may head in the direction of 'things that Zac's brain thinks' or 'things that give Zac the shits'. Could be interesting... maybe.

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