Sunday, 18 May 2014

Zac's Infinite Travel Wisdom

It is now under six weeks until I depart for Barcelona, and the excitement is gradually building. Any time I think about the trip I can't help but compare it to this point before I left for Buenos Aires in Argentina. Many things are different this time and has resulted in the excitement and other emotions differing dramatically.

Major travel experience: With one extended trip under my belt, my confidence in my ability to successfully travel more has increased drastically, and travel is addictive, the more you have the more you want.

Solo versus with friends: In hindsight, I definitely threw myself in the deep end. Choosing to travel for three months by myself as my first real experience may have seemed ambitious, but I think I am better for it. I did things and met people that I may not have had I traveled the three months with a friend. This time around I am looking forward to having a companion. All in all, our travel schedule this time around will suit having a mate to enjoy it with.

Now with some (very sketchy) language skills: When I arrived in Argentina, it was difficult to even make myself say 'gracias' just because it sounded weird. At the end of the three months I could speak in very basic sentences and conversations. With even the smallest amount of language, my experiences in the countries towards the end of the trip were greatly enriched. Learning some Spanish was also one of the primary reasons for wanting to travel to Spain next, the language is simple and beautiful, and is definitely something I want to pursue into the future.

Closer to home... kinda: In kilometers, maybe not, in flight time, not really. I am closer to home in the sense that I have points of contact in Spain and more so in England.

Budget: After Christopher Pyne's announcement on Tuesday about cuts to students... No. Not that budget. All of the other points have been reasons making this travel easier than South America, but one thing that is not as comfortable this time around is my personal financial situation. Heading off to South America in December I knew that I had enough money to live quite luxuriously for three months. I could eat the thickest steak on the best menus in Buenos Aires. I could drink caipirinhas on Copacabana beach until my heart was content and my eyesight was blurry, mostly because that only took two drinks. This time around my budget will be somewhat tighter, but as long as Rhomas has anything to do with it, there will be no cost cutting when at the front of the bar.

Running of the Bulls: Unlike the other points this one is purely because I am shitting my pants.

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